
Update: I mentioned in the post how I couldn't prove the quote was really said by Albert Pike, and Marty Leeds just released an excellent video going deep dive on all this. Turns out it was fabricated by a Jesuit known as Leo Taxil, part of something called the Taxil Hoax.

The scale of Jesuit deceptions, and their attacks on freemasonry and protestants, is quite incredible, and could probably fill a whole series of volumes, it something I keep coming up against in this line of research.

Another example of a 'pious fraud'. Props to Marty for bringing it all to light!

Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVsQMSy2zjE&t=1141s

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Really found the breakdown of words, their origins, and definitions quite interesting!

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Aug 16Liked by Steven A. Young

Really enjoyed reading your book , lots of very interesting content - highly recommend a read. I consider words as frequencies of potentiality. We all have a choice whether to attach or even pay attention to fraudulent frequencies such as Pike and the cult thinking he was aligned with.World politics is quite obviously a sham and full of people of similar affiliations as Pike.

Surely there is a risk in repeating the word spells you give them more energetic charge inline with the magnetism principles mentioned in your book ? Much of what you point to and refer to is simply secret society funded nonsense and should be left recognised as that. it is not aligned with divine source even though it may posture like it is. It is negative energy propagated by broken, compromised people . I send them my deepest healing energy to heal from the trauma they have allowed themselves to be involved in. Lots of beautiful people in the world doing beautiful things, not fooled for a minute or distracted by mind control and brain washing techniques 🔥

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Thanks Graham, I hear your point and I certainly don't think Pike was any kind of saint, but I do think it's important to recognise that these agendas are long planned and coming from secret societies, so we don't get caught up in all the race baiting. Social or political alchemy is real, the masses of people are subject to alchemical operations by secret societies, who are also well aware of the ancient knowledge and are the ones actively hiding it from the rest of the world. As holders of the key knowledge, we can expect they will be the ones who reveal it to the world when the time is right, but I am not implying they are some kind of saints or heroes, I'm just acknowledging the process.

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Aug 16Liked by Steven A. Young

Hi Steve, I applaud your positive energy in shining a light on fraud and deception. I'd observe that perhaps the energy you propose of other people /societies are the holders of key knowledge is a falsehood that disempowers you and others if you think like others have deeper knowledge that you dont. I think they will always seek to hide,obscure, distract as is their programming.

We all have access to divine source knowledge if we seek to ask questions to divine source and to recieve wisdom. Also I'd observe some of what is offered within the written, hidden allegory culture of alchemy is a clever mind control technique over the ages so whilst I applaud your book and its high grade content I wouldn't accept all referred to as a given definate. I'd like to think there is a divine source process (outside of the alchemy process) that you can't see at current due to a focus on those processses that will be the undoing of those engaged in sorcery?

A lie is a lie after all

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I would like to think that also. It seems like the wicked are being used by that divine source process to destroy the old world (and themselves), leaving the 'meek' to inherit the ashes and rebuild.

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Aug 14Liked by Steven A. Young

Just asking out of curiosity, have you read the work of Jane Roberts? Very well known and respected for her "channeling" of the "Seth" material, but also an incredibly important in her own right as a writer and thinker and mystic and poet. I have been a student of the Seth material and Jane's own books for 20 years (it's a large volume of work). I have been down a lot of rabbit holes but I always return to Seth and Jane because in my opinion it is the most .....um..... always hard to state this without sounding like a cult follower ......valid and undistorted information regarding ....um.....well, how reality works is one way to put it. I appreciate your writing and research and humble way of stating your position on these important topics. I do highly recommend her work. For me it sort of overshadows and yet undergirds all other esoteric and metaphysical teachings, including hermetics and alchemy. It's all about "back to basics" and Seth is the best at this, in my opinion. I will check out your book. It's always good to know others are slogging through these crazy times (but time isn't linear, all is happening simultaneously! 🤯) with a keen eye towards the deepest analysis. We rarely meet in person, it seems, but we are here,....together really (per actual reality) but seemingly separate as we explore the world that the ego created by believing in separation! 😜😎😳🧐

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Aug 14Liked by Steven A. Young

Just bought your book AND the audible version because you have such a cute voice! 😁

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Aug 14Liked by Steven A. Young

Also, I don't have a clue how you ended up in my inbox via Substack, must have clicked something by you at some point. I am all about dismantling Scientism (so was Jane Roberts btw!) and was among the first to dive into the "virology is a psuedoscience" rabbit hole in 2020. Also friends with Mike Stone, maybe that is how I found you.....anyway, looking forward to reading your book!

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Thank you very much Carolyn! I haven't read Jane Roberts, though funnily enough I have a friend called Jane Roberts, and for a moment I thought you were talking about her! :) Thanks for the recommendation, I will have a look!

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That is funny, and thanks for the reply! Go to sethcenter.com to get the best selection of books. Don't know how much you want to invest (if anything) but I usually recommend starting with The Seth Material and Seth Speaks for newbies, but you being an ex theoretical physicist I would highly recommend slogging through in consecutive order the 9 volumes called The Early Sessions. That's the first 510 sessions held.

Obviously you can just buy volume 1 to start. 🙄😎. But my point is that in this early material Seth lays out really deep stuff.....like how matter is created, action, simultaneous time etc. It's all the theoretical physics shit debunked basically. I have zero training in all that btw. 😳. But I do know that my "inner intuitive scientist" is a strong one and so.....this material is IT in my not very humble opinion. As far as Jane's books go, Psychic Politics, The God of Jane, and Adventures in Consciousness are GENIUS. I don't like that word much but you get my point. And another must read is Oversoul Seven Trilogy, which is fiction, but not really, which will only make sense after reading it. A fantastic read. I am forcing myself upon you a bit 😉 because all these years I have been wanting to pick the brain/mind of someone who is schooled in the theoretical physics , but has also read the Seth material AND is a nice normal person! I am sure you are incredibly busy like everyone and already have a big pile of books, but I'm telling you, don't miss out on this! It's "channeled" but don't let that put you off. This isn't distorted crap and I have a good ear/mind for distortion! I really don't know you at all, but I saw you were interviewed by someone on YT and will check that out. Looks like you have invested time in "flat earth"? I am a graduate of that rabbit hole..... Spent 5 years there starting in 2017. 🤯😜. What a trip. Just after that, the "pandemic" started! I wanted to take a break from deep rabbit holes but ....yeah. Went down the "virology is bullshit" rabbit hole big time. Anyway, all this to say that I have yet to find someone who is on these paths to truly read the Jane Roberts and Seth material and if you succumb to my persuasion and take a liking to it you will get some sort of prize from me. Ha, just kidding. You are on your own path, but I do invite you to check it out. I live in Oregon, USA just fyi. I have some health issues that cause chronic pain and fatigue which is disabling but I am going to try to read your book.

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When I said "debunked" I meant that Seth (as a teacher) clarifies the conceptual missteps "science" has made. Mostly boils down to denying that consciousness is primary .....but hermetics as far as I understand it (which isn't all that far at all, but I have read the main texts) doesn't even come close to explaining it all with the clarity and detail that Seth does. Imo. Anyway, it's not a debunking really but a clarification that is extremely powerful. I think that is different than a mere debunking. I mean, we are all debunking all the time nowadays. 🙄 But I really look forward to reading your book since it sounds like you have taken a very deep dive into alchemy etc.....

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Steven, are you saying that Luciferianism is a good and right practice?

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certainly not, I'm just breaking down the meaning of the name and it's correspondance to Mercury. I don't know what luciferianism is tbh, but i know that the jesuits spread the false idea that lucifer is the devil, probably to scare people from looking into it

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So I am only suggesting that the 'doctrine of lucifer' in Pikes letter is a actually a reference to alchemy and Hermetic science. I don't know what else it could be.

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Thanks for clarifying! I do a lot of research into Luciferianism, and it certainly would be frightening for the average person to discover their practices. If Pike is indeed referencing alchemy and Hermetic science, it is an inversion and perversion of the "pure" principles of those processes. My research goes pretty deep. Also, I did greatly enjoy your article!

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Thanks for sharing, Sharine. I don't think Pike was any kind of saint, and he may have not even been the person who planned or orchestrated all this. As I understand it he was a nasty piece of work, but a good researcher, and good at articulating this kind of thing. I don't know about luciferian cults but can quite imagine it would not be good.

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